Particles Found to Travel Faster Than Speed of Light

 Particles Found to Travel Faster Than Speed of Light

Neutrinos called ghostly subatomic particles,  may have been observed traveling faster than the speed of light. 

An Italian experiment has give evidence that nutrinos which are called fundamental particles can travel faster than light. The experiment is called OPERA (Oscillation Project with Emulsion_tRacking Apparatus) and lies 1400 m underground in the Gran Sasso National Lab in Italy. It is designed to study a beam of neutrinos coming from CERN, Europe's premier high-energy physics laboratory located 730 km away near Geneva, Switzerland. Neutrinos are fundamental particles that are electrically neutral, rarely interact with other matter, and have a negligible small mass. But they are all around us, the sun produces so many neutrinos as a result  of nuclear reactions that many billions pass through your eye every second.

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