In 18th and beginning of 19th century heat was considered was weight less fluid according to the caloric theory the hot body contains more caloric then the cold bodies.

Count Rumford Challenge on Caloric concept

In 1798 count Rumford (Benjamin) challenge the concept heat fluid. Count Rumford concluded that the heat is produced by friction while is caused by friction.

James   Joules Experiment On Heat

1840 James Joule support the theory of Count Rumford that:

Ø  Heat is not as the flow of substance (calorie).

Ø  Heat is the form of energy flow from hot body to cold body.

Ø  Heat is the form of energy that transfer body because of temperature’s difference.


“Heat is the sum of kinetic energy of all molecules or atoms of body system.”

Once the heat is transferred into body it will converted internal energy.

According to the kinetic theory of the molecule. The Molecules of the body always be in motion. The motion of the molecule is due to the kinetic energy which possessed by the molecule.

            Then the sum of the kinetic energy of all the molecules is called “Heat”.


                                All type of energies like K.E, P.E, Transnational, Rotational energy along with binding energies of nuclear energy called as internal of the heat also can be define as the energy evolved in care of combustion reaction, exothermic reaction, fission, fusion reaction but from high temperature to low temperature.

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