ü  Mechanics

“It is the branch of Physics which deals with motion of particles or bodies under the action of given force”.

 ü  Atomic physics         

                                “It is the branch of Physics which deals with properties and structure of Atom”.

 ü  Electricity

It deals with the phenomenon and effects related to electric charge.

 ü  Electromagnetism

It deals with observation, principles, laws and methods related to electricity and magnetism.

 ü  Solid state Physics

It is concerned with the structure and properties of the solid materials.

 ü  Nuclear Physics

It deals with the structure, properties and interaction of the nucleus of atoms.

ü  Astrophysics

It is concerned with the study of the astronomical bodies.

 ü  Bio Physics

It is concerned with the application of physical methods and explanation to bio-physical system and structures.

 ü  Plasma Physics

It is concerned with the properties of highly ionized atoms forming a mixture of bare nuclei.

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